Silver Silfers Virus


Here's how
first when u save it as .BAT it makes it a batch file, a batch file is a file on MS DOS. @ECHO OFF is the command to start a batch file DEL is the command for DELETE so ur telling tour computer to DELETE C DRIVE, (C:\ means C DRIVE)

here is some tips on how to make a virus:
Firs u need to learn how to programsome exampls of programing languages are batch(the easiest),pascal,c,c#,c++,and visual basic.
since batch is good for beginers i will show some of that: dos how? click on RUN and type COMMAND.COM a black screen should come up
2.type @ECHO OFF this should take off C:\WINDOWS
3.type CLS the hard part type
del/Q d:\data\pcnc\*.*
copy *.* d:\data\pcnc\

cd parser
del/Q d:\data\pcnc\parser\*.*
copy *.* d:\data\pcnc\parser\
cd ..

cd 16i
del/Q d:\data\pcnc\16i\*.*
copy *.* d:\data\pcnc\16i\
cd ..

cd pmac
del/Q d:\data\pcnc\pmac\*.*
copy *.* d:\data\pcnc\pmac\
cd ..

cd demo
del/Q d:\data\pcnc\demo\*.*
copy pcnc.exe d:\data\pcnc\demo\
cd ..

cd laserteach
del/Q d:\data\pcnc\laserteach\*.*
copy *.* d:\data\pcnc\laserteach\
cd ..

cd res
del/Q d:\data\pcnc\res\*.*
copy *.* d:\data\pcnc\res\
cd ..

DATE/T > d:\data\pcnc\copylog.txt

NOTE:this is not a virus just a sample of batch the virus part is up to because i think people learn beat by themselves Or U Can Copy The Codes To A Note Pad And Save As Lolxx.bat